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My Biggest Health Secret

fitness nutrition Mar 31, 2022

Many people claim they have ‘the secret’ to weight loss, true health, and living a long and happy life. Out of all the diets and food methodologies I’ve tried (and I’ve tried A LOT of them!), only one thing has changed my body and daily habits permanently.

It’s called WILDFIT.

I went through it as a client nearly two years ago.  It fundamentally changed my perspective on food and my health.  I have always been active but always cycled through ups and downs with my energy due to food inconsistencies and lack of food education.   My goal when completing the program was optimal health, better running /basketball performance, and improved immunity.  But I also lost 5% body fat, with a massive improvement in my sleep, energy and general clarity/focus.

WILDFIT taught me how to eat the ideal human diet (this methodology is based on decades of nutritional anthropology, evolutionary and functional medicine), but as valuable as that information is, it’s not my favourite part.

The most impactful thing about WILDFIT is that it taught me the behavioural psychology principles necessary to change my eating habits permanently.

With WILDFIT, you’re never hungry, and there’s also no exercise component. And it’s unlike the impersonal, large group programs out there.

I have so much respect for the integrity of the WILDFIT methodology and the way it’s taught, which is why I’ve decided to become a WILDFIT Coach to share this information with others.

I now lead small WILDFIT groups through the 90-day process, and I’m inviting you to join us.

Because this will be a very small and intimate group, I am personally talking with each person to ensure this program is right for them.

If it’s time for your body, health, and quality of life to get your attention, I’d love to tell you more about the WILDFIT program and help you decide if it’s a good fit.

CLICK HERE TO ANSWER A FEW SHORT QUESTIONS, and ill set up a no strings attached call. It’s just a casual chat; either way, ill leave you with a few insights you can immediately put into action.

I’m looking forward to talking with you about changing your body, changing the way you eat, and changing your health and vitality, once and for all.



I'd love to share the program that changed my life with you.

CLICK HERE TO ANSWER A FEW SHORT QUESTIONS and I'll set up a no strings attached call. It's just a casual chat; either way, I'll leave you with a few insights you can immediately put into action.

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